Sunday, November 12, 2006

Herb barrel

I hope you do not mind that I'm cheating a bit in order to post every day in November. Some days I do not post and some days I save a few drafts of subject matter so that I can later go back and edit and post. Ok?

Here is a photo taken on our deck on October 1, 2006. I want to remember 2 things for next year's planting: 1 - this barrel looked great as late as October 1 and 2 - the mint looked so much nicer planted with the vinca, purple hyacinth vine and lemon thyme than it did when planted alone in the barrel. That hyacinth vine was my prize plant. I bought it late in the season when I went to a local nursery for some morning glory. There were just a few of these viney-type plants left on the table and I must have spent at least a half hour there untangling the vines. I bought the hyacinth vine because I felt sorry for it (my husband just rolled his eyes at me). But look at it - it was so happy on our deck!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

That is a great-looking arrangement! I am really hoping to do some gardening myself next spring, too!