Sunday, August 26, 2007

Am I Four Yet?

We celebrated T's fourth birthday with family members yesterday - lots of food, swimming and presents. I told T. it was her party day and her birthday was coming up soon. This morning when she woke up, the first words out of her mouth were "Am I Four Yet?" How cute is that? On opening most every gift, she got this big smile on her face and said - "Just what I needed on my birthday!" She sang along to "Happy Birthday" and had no trouble blowing out four candles. You have no idea how much this enthusiasm means to me.

The celebration will continue this week as the four of us go out for dinner and as we get together with a small group of T's closest friends.


Katie J said...

So glad the celebrations went well. We're looking forward to sharing that enthusiasm!

Sandy said...

4 is such a cute age! Happy birthday little one!

Gina said...

Aww! Happy Birthday, T!