Would you sit in a car four hours out and four hours back in a day to ride your back thirty-two miles? On Sunday my two brothers, sister, nephew and I rode our bikes from Meyersdale, PA to Cumberland, MD along the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP). This 32-mile ride completed our ride which we started back in
May. Mom and Dad went along to shuttle our vehicles for us, that was a great help.
It was a beautiful day for a ride, clear and a bit windy, but not too cold. Most of the ride was downhill. We rode through three tunnels. One was about a half mile long - that felt long. You could not see the light at the end of that tunnel. That one was well-lit, the others were not lit; we used head lamps. The one tunnel felt like a wind tunnel. A steam engine travels between Frostburg and Cumberland for weekend riders. The bike trail follows along it. At one tunnel, a sign advises "Do not enter tunnel with oncoming train" duh!
As we got closer to Cumberland, there was a beautiful vista looking over the countryside. Cumberland looks like a really neat town. We had a late lunch there at The Crabby Big - a BBQ place along the C&O canal.
Just to log the drive/log. We left my place at 7:15 AM, started riding at about 11:45 AM from Meyersdale, got to Frostburg at about 2 PM and rode on, arriving in Cumberland at about 4:00 PM. We left Cumberland at 5:20 PM and were back at my place at about 9:00 PM.